
35 weeks pregnant, can I go outside and tan?

by Guest45492  |  earlier

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and if so, how long?




  1. I am sure you can, just use spf sunscreen and limit it is all. Don't be in the direct sun too long.  Do it little by little. : ) Just protect your skin! :)

  2. I wouldn't see why not. But be sure and keep VERY well hydrated. Try not to get overheated. I went to an LSU football game tailgating this past September while I was pregnant and stayed out of the sun and drank plenty of water. I still got super hot and almost had a fainting spell. Just watch the heat.

  3. As with anything MODERATION is the key.  A little fresh air, mild exercises and sunshine will do you and your baby good.  Take care not to over heat yourself (and the baby) and guard against heat stroke and sunburn.  Remember to moisturize and stay very well hydrated.

  4. A doctor told me that you cant if its hot out. because it will raise your core temperature and hurt the baby. If its sunny out but cool at the same time then thats the best time to tan. Also. Some pregnant woman get spots on there nose and forehead. its called the mask of pregnancy. and it shows when you suntan and wont go away until sometime after your babys birth.

  5. You wont bake the baby to death or anything. You can sunbathe in the sun. I wouldnt do a tanning bed though. Just make sure you dont get too hot for too long and you certainly dont want to be dealing with a painful sunburn along with all the complaints of late pregnancy.

  6. Why not?  Just don't get sunburned.  Stay out there as long as you like.

  7. I dont think it matters as long as you dont burn your self.

  8. Of course. But---why would you? Do you want skin cancer? Look----everyone knows the risks of tanning and you think you are OK....great---but....what IF you get skin cancer and then half your face is gone at the kids graduation?

  9. no they said it is dangerous for the healt of the baby it can get sick even before it comes out and if you tan only 3 to7 minutes  dont do it more than that for the sake of the baby

  10. Sorta...You don't want to raise your body temperature so as long as you stay cool and are careful of whatever lotions you put on you may be okay. When I was pregnant I put lotion on my legs and arms and just sat in a lawn chair for 10 or 15 minutes. I missed the sunshine and just needed a little fix now and then. Keep it quick and stay cool. Just like everything else, it's okay in moderation. Absolutely no tanning beds though.

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