
35 weeks pregnant and dont feel right?

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I'm 35 weeks pregnant, my v****a feels huge - I'm swollen but just looking at it at the opening I'm big and very open and i feel like something is going to fall out.

My tummy is rock hard and sore to touch, but i just dont feel right.

This is my first baby so it could well be normal to feel like this towards the end but i don't know, or is this a sign of my baby is coming soon as in early?

My waters haven't broken but when i sit for a while or when i wake up i feel a little wet but i don't know if i have been sweating or maybe my waters are starting to leak?

Any advise? I don't see my midwife till Monday week, ive been in hospital a few times during pregnancy - bleeding was the worst thing others just normal problems that i didnt know where normal - so I'm sure they think I'm a hypochondriac!

Thank you




  1. helloo there, im 36 weeks and have been feeling the very heavyness down below.. midwife told me thats the babies head engaging.. iv been suffering from braxton hicks since i was 28 weeks pregnant. its horrible. and also my belly was tightening last night and i had horrible pain and my back felt like i was continuously being stabbed.. i rung the hospital and they told me it was a wateer infection, well i went to the doctor today and they told me its absolutely noway a water infection.. i feel like c**p and keep getting pain down below. and my plug is beginning to come away.. i need help? x

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