
35 weeks pregnant and movements have changed?

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I'm currently 35 weeks pregnant and the movements have decreased, don't get me wrong i still feel movements but no where near as many as i was getting is this normal, also when the baby does move they tend to be really painful and have doubled over in pain with it sometimes is it normal for them to start to hurt so much?




  1. dont forget ur baby is getting bigger now. if your concerned i would speak to your midwife. as the baby drops you will feel less but as long as you feel something you should be ok.

  2. yorbaby is just running out of room its normal dont worry.and yes towards the end the kicks can hurt your baby is very strong the kicks near the end of thepregnancy used to wake me up!

  3. I'm 35 weeks pregnant and the movements have changed from up near my ribs (aching) to near my bladder (very sensitive and is more like a painful tingle).

    My baby's actually moving more at the moment - I was wondering if she's getting close to engaging her head - but all my baby books say that the baby's movements will decrease now.

    You should still feel regular movement - my midwife says 10 movements a day.  If she kicks you 3 times at 8am, then this is 3 movements not just one.

    So it sounds like your movement is normal and mine isn't, as mine is on the increase!

  4. It is completely normal in the last few weeks for baby to start settling down and you won't feel as much movements. Also baby is alot bigger now and there is a lot to fit into one womans stomach so as you can imagine when baby tries to move or stretch always going to be touching and hurting something. If you are worried speak to midwife. Not long to go now x

  5. Your little one is running out of room to move around in there.  IT probably hurts more because of the same reason.

  6. It's normal - baby is now big and there's not so much room for him/her to move about.

    As far as it hurting goes - you need to trust yourself on this one. Chances are baby just has a foot somewhere sensitive, but if you fell like something's not right go see your doctor.

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