
35 weeks pregnant with sharp pains in my lower right belly! WHAT is going on!?

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They are pretty painful but they're quick and they come and go every few minutes. Its just been happening today. I dont' know what it is, PLEASE help me!




  1. i am 24 weeks pregnant and ironically i was going to post the same question....may pain has felt more similar to a bladder infection because i only feel it when i empty my bladder...could it be possible that you you have a bladder infection? or maybe its braxton hicks contractions.....just call your doc and explain they will be able to give you more feedback

  2. could be a sign that baby is starting to drop.  it is usually a pretty slow process not something that will happen over night but as soon as it starts to happen it can cause lots of uncomfortable pains from your baby and uterus putting more pressure on the round ligaments and pubic bone.

  3. you should probably call a doctor and stop asking ppl on here

    pregnancy is nothing to mess with  

  4. You should call the doctor.  Do you have a fever or nausea?  It could be appendicitis - completely unrelated to your pregnancy.  You should call the doctor.  Might be contractions, but I'm not sure about them being on just one side.  

  5. Call your doctor you can be going into labor but you will never know unless you ask a professional

  6. Could be false labor pains.  Could be something else.  You should call your doctor.  

  7. im no mother but maybe your pelivis is cracking, like i said im probably wrong but it's an option

  8. Probably braxton hicks, get some rest and see if they continue.  If they do call your doctor!

    It never hurts to go in and have an exam if you are worried about something.  

    call 911 if they get unbearable and closer together.  

  9. maybe your appendix is being squished.

    also, if you feel you should see a doctor but don't want to go, call a nurse helpline. they can determine what;s wrong, whether or not you should go to a doctor, or they might be able to tell you something to do to help. The best part is: its free!!! I must have saved at least $100 because I called the nurse helpline sooo many times lol.

    I hope you feel better and good luck and many blessings with your baby!

  10. LABOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... GO TO HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW. DO NOT WAIT GO NOW.   i'M A mEDICAL ASSISTANT.  GO NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  11. why you ask here?

    Call your doctor or just go to the ER!

  12. You could be in labor. I had my daughter around that time. And I didn't think I was in labor because my lower back just hurt alot. Finally my lower stomach started having sharp pains too and I went to the hospital and 2 hours later had my baby. time your contractions to see if they are regular.

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