
35 wks and cant sleep?

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I have insomnia really bad...I have tried ambien and am currently trying visteral (sp?) with no luck. Has anyone else had this problem and what did you do?? Help I'm exhausted, just can't seem to fall asleep and stay asleep.




  1. With my first pregnancy I had the hardest time falling asleep.  Have you tried reducing some stress?  I know it sounds stupid, but that was my big problem.  I'm sure they've gone over the checklist with you, pillows, positions, routines, baths, etc.  It's horrible that you're going through this, but you are in the home stretch.  Have you tried relaxation methods (may sound stupid, but they do help some).  Try breathing control.  In college we had a yoga instructor come and she helped us control our breathing and relax.  I slept on a floor for about 30 minutes, but it was such a deep sleep that if felt like I slept for a full 8 hours.  Also, have you tried a pre-natal massage.  They'll help you relax as well.  Good luck and I hope that you're able to sleep well soon.

  2. I got my best sleep in my recliner toward the end of my second pregnancy.

    Good luck, you're almost there and it will be so worth it!

  3. you are probably just getting over anxious about the baby I slept probably about 4 hours a day with my 2nd baby when I was about 36 wks or so the insomnia is noraml in some ppl just try to do as much as you can durring the day without over doing it try to sleep on your side with a pillow between your legs I know easier said than done but girl you need to get rest for you and that baby good luckkkkk

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