
35 years on, what do you think...?

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Does this song's sentiments still hold?




  1. I remember it well,but as someone else has said,B*tch Thatcher stopped all that!

    Try '25 Years' by Bob Calvert/Hawkwind.

  2. No, but they're trying to sneak back into a strong position now.  I, for one, hope they fail.

  3. I think the unions will end Gordon Browns ill fated reign. We are still in the warm months and the fuel rises haven't bitten holes in pockets yet.

    When it starts to hurt all the working man has to fall back on is the strength of unity.

    Perhaps the songs sentiments were forgotten with the fall of the miners, but when poverty is the other option, what do you choose?

  4. No Maggie thatcher put paid to that upstarts were not tolerated or labour voters that's why New Labour are as Tory as them Tories!

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