
$35000 scam?

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Am I the only person that thinks the guy that lost his $35000 got what he deserved for being greedy (& stupid)?

For anyone that hasn't seen the story, someone conned the guy by telling him if he left blank paper & real banknotes in a container with "special" liquid overnight, it would double itself.




  1. How did this guy get $35k in the 1st place? He sounds a fool and a fool and his money are easily parted.

  2. I am so not surprised what people do any more!! Ridiculous..

  3. *He deserved it...

  4. He may have been greedy, but also a little dim, it is wrong to take advantage of someone who isn`t the full shilling.

  5. You only have to look at the number of apparently otherwise sane people who have the intelligence to buy, plug in, switch on, connect to the internet and receive email but otherwise still seem to think they have won the Yahoo Lottery or that Dr Um Bongo from the 1st National Bank of Zaire will really give them $7million, to realise that human greed is a very powerful thing, and makes even the most clever people do the stupidest things!  The money-changing scam is older than most Nigerian 419 scams.  Victor Lustig was a master of it.  He even managed to sell the Eiffel Tower - on more than one occasion.  There really is a sucker born every minute.  Otherwise why would anyone want to be a conman?

  6. Hahaha

    it's his fault =]

  7. shows you that greed doesnt pay.

  8. Sounds like a total idiot to me!

  9. This is a really old con, going back to the 1800's when people were told that they could change plain paper into bank notes using either a special device or a special liquid....this is what con artists pray on, peoples greed.

  10. money grabbing sod!

  11. wow stupid people who dos that but your not the only one who thinks that i do to

  12. Can't believe anyone can be so dumb. I daresay the guy that told him has disappeared with banknotes but kindly left the special liquid.

  13. Basically there are two types of people in this world




    This tale just reiterates this point

  14. Yeah I cracked up when I read the story what a DUMB@SS

  15. I am so happy to see that all the answerer's are congratulating the con-artist. You must be since I did not see one word of condemnation for the con-artist.

  16. totally agree what a total fruitcake

  17. Yeah, he got what he deserved I mean who is that stupid?
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