
36 weeks and having almost constant contractions?

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Im 36 weeks pregnant, and i have been having almost constant contractions, they dont hurt too much but my stomach gets so tight that it is very uncomfortable. a couple weeks ago my doctor gave me a pill that is suppose to stop this, but it didnt work, and he told me after 35 weeks not to try and stop it anymore. should i be worried about this, what should i do? i dont want to go all the way to the hospital just to be sent home.




  1. I hate going to the hospital to but if you drink a lot of water and lay on your left side and you still have the pain the you should go to the hospital. When they are real contractions you will know because the become more frequent and stronger but don't worry your baby is develop maybe it ready to see the world...good luck.

  2. If they are constant, you should go.  My contractions did not hurt until about 15 min before my daughter was born.  I was the same way and did not want to go to the hospital, but if I hadn't then my baby would have been born at home.  As it is, I did not get to the hospital in time for any drugs.  Not trying to scare you, just being honest:)

  3. It is hard to tell I will suggest you that if the pain & contractions are not comfortable then you should go to hospital or call your doctor again, that way you can be more sure of what is going on. I ha my oldest girl now 7yrs at 36 week at that time my water broke so I had to go to the hospital rigth away. My son now 3 yrs he was born one day before my due date. That day I went to my regular visit and mu doctor that I was dilatation I was 5 at that time so he send me rigth away to the hospital but I didn't feel any pain at all, I just felt the baby stretching . So I think it will be best to go to the hospital if you are gong to feel better and find out what is your situation at this moment.... Best-wishes and GOOD LUCK!!! CONGRATS on your baby too!! :)

  4. if you can handle the contractions and your water has not broken or you have not lost your mucus plug i would wait until the morning and go to my regular doc

  5. this is something that you should consult with your doctor about, not yahoo people.

    go to the doc.

  6. better safe then sorry i think you should go good luck

  7. you need to call your doctor and go to the hospital. Your in labor

  8. go to the hospital or voice your thoughts over the phone with your doctor... think of your life and the life of your baby.

  9. Call labor and delivery at the hospital were you are giving birth and ask them if they think its best if you come in or not. They might tell you to wait until the contractions get stronger or they may want you in now since your not full term yet.

  10. Call your doctor asap..  

  11. I'm 27 weeks and my doctor told me today that if you have contractions a few times a day its ok. Its not ok when they are constant and are less then 10 mins apart. I'd call your doctor it could be braxton hicks or your baby could be coming!

  12. Since your OB was treating them like real contractions, I would too at this point.   You might try to get in a warm bath or shower (good chance to shave!) and walk around.  If this doesn't slow them down or make them more erratic, then they're probably real contractions, not false labor.  Count from the start of one to the start of the next.  Once it's about 3-4 minutes apart consistently (ie not erratic...they need to be getting closer together, never longer), go ahead and go in then.  If they check you and you're less than a certain amount dilated, they will send you home, but ask if you can just walk around the hospital for an hour and get checked again.  They'll likely allow this.  That's what I did (although my contractions were at 40 weeks and they were 4-5 minutes apart from the get go....walking and shower didn't make them go away) and when they checked me the second time, my water broke, so they admitted me.  I had him about 1.5 hours later.

  13. DRINK WATER.  A lot of water.  I went through the exact same thing and ended up being dehydrated even though I didn't feel dehydrated at all.  Before going in, I'd recommend drinking a lot of water and after a day if the contractions don't start to taper off, then go in.  If they don't cause you a lot of pain and you have no other symptoms then you're safe waiting and giving the hydration a try.  When it happened to me, it caused intense contractions that ended up being 2 minutes apart but after hydrating the heck out of myself, they began tapering off.  Good luck!

  14. Aah I have just recently been in this situation and I think you should call the maternity department and fill them in, they will want to check you to be on the safe side and maybe monitor your baby for signs of distress.

    I am having contractions all the time, while on the fetal monitor they aren't "true contractions" yet (anything over 20-25 is classed as a proper contraction) I am still having them, mine are only getting to 15-19. I had to go and be monitored for about an hour, I didn't want to bother the midwives or the Doctors, I knew I wasn't in labour....but they told me to phone them at any stage because my safety and the baby's life could depend on it.

    I would try and keep calm, call the maternity ward and let them know, they might not want to see you until a certain time, but if they want you to come in, it is for the best!!!

    Good luck.

  15. I would time them.  If you are in a pattern, I would go to the hospital.  If they are erratic, I would go your doctor again tomorrow. is a very handy contraction timer.

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