
36 weeks pregnant dilated1 cm (last week) and having menstrual like cramps?

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Anyone ever experience menstrual like cramps during late pregnancy? I am having this right now and it's very uncomfortable. the doctor checked me the beginning of this week and I was 1 cm dilated.

Should I be concerned or do you think this is normal?




  1. ive been having them all this weeks.. they're brax hick contractions... if it get worse call your doctor

  2. You can be dialated for quite some time before going into labor.  I wouldnt worry.

  3. I started getting period like cramps around that time.  I was told that they are Braxton Hicks.  Now I am 39 weeks and I get them alot more and they are alot more uncomfortable.  

  4. The difference between braxton hicks and true contractions is.... Contractions start out in your lower back and move to your abdomen.  Braxton Hicks are only in your abdomen.  I think I read that on

  5. 36 weeks You probably at the beginning stage of labor and it could go quickly.I had a friend that did this, so stay close to home or a hospital

  6. You might be having Braxton Hicks contractions.  They are similiar to real contractions only irregular, and not as intense.  If you start having them every 5 minutes then you should go get checked.  I am 37 weeks now and 1 cm dilated and I am experiencing alot of them also.  Good luck.

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