
36 weeks pregnant feeling so insecure and unattractive! anyone the same?

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for the past about month, i hve been feeling really down, my hair looks c**p, my skin looks c**p, obviously ive put on some weight seeing as im 36wks pregnant! and i feel so unattractive and i keep having horrible nightmares of my partner cheating

my partner keeps telling me im beautiful all the time and i shouldnt be so silly and he loves me so much and would never hurt me - and i have no reason to ever think he would hurt me becuse he is lovely

but i cant get over these feelings and they get me down

anyone the same? =(




  1. I think that this is normal. I felt like this too when i was getting bigger in my pregnancy but after you have the baby you will probably miss it. I know it makes no sense but i actually miss being pregnant and having the big cute belly. Only you can make you feel better. Some ideas of things you can do is maybe go to the spa or get a make over. (sometimes they do them for free at the mall stands like in dillards) Get a new outfit that you look cute in and show off that cute belly of yours! Get a pedicure! They are great while you are pregnant and if you can't afford one try to get a friend or mom to give you one! :) Hope this helped!

  2. Guys look at it in a deeper sense then you just being skinny and having perfect skin especially when pregnant. He is being completely honest because the thought of you baring a part of him makes it way deeper than anything physical can go. And everyone is looking at you that way not that you are fat or mayeb not as tan or something but as you are baring another life and will soon be happy. I promise I bet you look cuter now then before.

  3. i wanted to cry when i was pregnant, i told my husband he dont love me, coz i'm as huge as elephant, i was still expecting twins, so u can imagine! he seemed to find me extra attractive at that time though.i wasnt convinced

  4. you are more beautiful today than you were yesterday.  tomorrow you will be more beautiful than you are today.  You just keep getting better and better.

  5. It's completely normal to be feeling the way you're feeling.  You're 38 weeks pregnant, baby will be making an appearance really soon.  The dreams of your partner cheating is just your subconscience fears, it doesn't mean that they will come true.

    I also know that everyone thinks a pregnant woman is beautiful, even though you don't feel attractive, your partner is probably not lying when he tells you that you are.

    Having a baby isn't easy, being pregnant is extremely emotional considering all the hormones involved.  You should definately speak to someone close to you about your feelings though.  It will make you feel better to get it off your chest and get some reassurance.

    Good luck!

  6. don't worry about how you feel - people don't see that . all they see is the beautiful glow of a woman getting ready to give life to a child.

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