
36 weeks pregnant pain question?

by Guest395  |  earlier

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I've been having these sharp pains 'down there' for about an hour now - they are just short pain then it will happen again. My doctor last week said, I have low amniotic fluid levels in which I go back tomorrow for an ultrasound just to double check the fluid.

I was just wondering since these pains have been happening for the last hour even 3-4 minutes is it anything to worry about..

Ps. I'm going to ask my doctor tomorrow just wanted to know what your guys opinions were now




  1. I just asked my OB about it on Monday cos Ive been having that stabbing sensation where my cervix would be and she said that its the baby's head rubbing my cervix and that it is probably thinning out my cervix and dialating it in the process. She said nothing to be worried about. Put my feet up (elevated) when it happens and that should help. Or a warm bath with that salt stuff. Cant remember what its called (BABY BRAIN! LOL!). I wouldnt be too concerned about it. But with the low amniotic fluids you might want to get checked. Hope that helps and it isnt too late!

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