
360 blog profile?

by  |  earlier

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Why when I change my picture on my 360 page. and change my heading.. Do I have to so often keep refreshing the page for it to come up after it saves it? I mean this when I have it all saved... I will click the site off and then back on. It will have the old picture and heading and not the 1 that I just up-loaded. Why is this like this? Or is the site malfunctioning? This is a big problem w/me because I want my current pictures to show and not old ones!.




  1. The site is malfunctioning.  There are a lot of bugs, and they are not going to fix them.  They are creating a new platform for blogging, and they are focusing on that.  They are not going to fix problems on 360 since they don't plan on using it much longer.  You can read about the transition below:

  2. Yahoo is having lots of bugs and glitches right now.. but never heard of this one before now..

    humm sounds to me like your browser cache is full and needs to be cleaned out.. go to your browser toolbar.. if it is Internet Explorer.. then choose the option Tools.. and the first option should be Delete Browser History on the drop down menu that shows up when you click the tools option..

    click that option and then from the popup that appears put a check in the box on each one of the options there.. and it will delete the entire internet files.. cookies.. passwords.. forms.. get rid of all of it.. then close your browser and reopen it.. resign into yahoo and I think this will get rid of the problem you are having..

    sometimes we don't clean out the browser cache of files it uses to surf faster or a cookie gets corrupted .. or it simply gets too full to handle anymore files and it won't do what we ask of it correctly..

    and lots of spyware.. viruses ... and trojans hide in those files.. clean them regularly and your computer will thankyou by running smoother and you will be able to tell after a while when something is slowing you down or adding stuff to your computer.. then you know for sure you got a hitchhiker in your puter somewhere.. if the browser is always full.. it will act irradically all the time and you just will not notice any changes that could lead to computer memory problems..
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