
360 game scratch question?

by  |  earlier

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If a scratch is so faint that it is only noticeable under a lot of light, are they too serious. Some of my 360 games are scratched, but they are unnoticeable unless I look really hard. Is it safe to play them, or are they going to get scratched more? That brings me to my next question, does the 360 scratch discs? I have never payed too much attention to it, but recently, the discs that come out of the 360 are scratched, but I have no idea if they were scratched before I put them in. When I get back to the dashboard, I hear a huge lurching clunk sound from inside the console, does this have something to do with it? I called Microsoft and they said that as long as I have never had the red rings, I am still okay. Is this true, because I have never had the red rings before?




  1. This is the category for Yahoo! 360 profile pages not the Xbox 360 game unit. You might want to either post this question here:;_ylt=...  or visit this site:

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