
360 hits one day a week are really high. What's up?

by  |  earlier

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For weeks now, I've noticed that one day a week (not the same day each week) my page hits goes about 7-10x higher than all the other days. Is someone pranking me, or does 360 have a catch up day on recording hits, or, or, or

Any ideas?? Thanks for reading and your thoughts--do appreciate. Clueless, I am...




  1. Hard to imagine someone would sit there n hit ur page over 300 times..n odd that the # of hits is 360..I'm thinking it's most likely just a glitch. Yahoo! Is working on a brand new profile page that will replace our 360's sometime this year.  Unfortunately they r no longer fixing the problems that come up on our pages. Here's a couple of links to the latest news from Yahoo! concerning these issues:

  2. This is a long-time 360 issue - that the counter/pageviews feature is notoriously unreliable. The best thing is to ignore that feature. You can't reset or modify it yourself.

    Although it is possible to get 300 hits in one day. It's strange that it's only one day of the week though. You'll never find out the deal unless you can track down perhaps a referring site that might be linking to your 360 space. Yet it's not a guarantee that someone is linking to your space. Other than that, all 360 provides is totals stats, so really you have minimal to go on. You may have a zealous fan (or a group of them), who hasn't yet revealed his or herself.

    Go to Google ( ) and search for the URL of your blog. Put link: [your blog's web address without the brackets] . This shows pages that have links that point to that address. You can also use allinurl: to expand that type of search.

    NOTE: The Y!360 team is no longer addressing bug reports, as it prepares to launch a new social-networking system. See for more details. The 360 team blog is also accessible via the "Yahoo! 360 News" link in the upper right corner of your 360 space.

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