
37 Weeks pregnant............?

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I am asking this question for my husband. I am 37 weeks along, due Sept 19th. I have a family gathering on Sunday which is an hour away from where I live. My husband does not think it is wise for me to go since I am so close to my due date. He thinks my water will break and that I will have the baby on the highway. Trying to convince him that it is completely safe. What are your insights ladies?




  1. your husband sounds like a sweetie! haha!! You'll be perfectly fine as long as the doctor hasnt put you on bedrest!! go to your family thing and have fun!!!  

  2. I think you're fine- I live almost an hour away from the hospital I'm delivering at and my doctor isn't concerned at all. You should be completely ok to go to your family gathering. Congrats! Not much longer!  

  3. I would say you are fine!  How long was your first labor??

    If your first labor was only a few hours and 2nd labors are normally a bit shorter than I would think twice. but if you had a good 12 15 hour labor the first time the chances of not having an hour warning before your baby is delivered is unlikely.

    go and enjoy the family one more time before the baby comes.

  4. you will be just fine. the baby will enjoy the ride! :) but just for your husband's peace of mind, take with you the luggage for the hospital. if the baby decides to come, it is completely developed at 37 weeks.  

  5. Considering the average labor last between 12-14 hours, I don't think an hour away would be too far. Just take your hospital bag in the car with you - just in case!

  6. No worries. I live over an hour away from the hospital where I am supposed to deliver.  

  7. There are number of signs you can look for to tell if labor will be coming soon. One have you dilated at all? Two have you lost your mucus plug? These are just some ways of telling, sometimes labor comes without notice, but rarely.

    If this is your first child, and by chance you do go into labor on the way, you will have more than an hour to get to a hospital. First time labor usually lasts anywhere from 3- 72 hours! Is there a hospital in the town you are going to?

    In my opinion (having 3 children) I see no problem as long as there is a hospital near by.

    I hope this helps a little! Best of luck!!!

    Oh so it's your second child. If you had to be induced with your first it may be a good idea to go!! The walking and fun may encourage labor to start on it's own!!

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