
37 Weeks prego..I haven't had braxton Hicks that I am aware of, but sometimes a dull pain in lower back and?

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stomach...also experiencing a stabbing pain very low that feels like it is lower than my pelvis...what is going on?? this is my first pregnancy.




  1. Perhaps its your muscles straining from the weight of the baby.

  2. I had the same thing happen with me when I was pregnant, and it was false labor.  It seemed like I had more pain in my back then in my stomache, and the only things that worked for me was a hot shower, and stretching (laying on your back and bending your knees to one side while reaching to the other side) if that makes any sense :)  Hope it helps!  Good's all going to be worth it in the end.  

  3. sounds like some contractions and the baby is moving down causing pressure. Don't get alarmed unless the pain gets unbearable or they are coming every 10-15 min.

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