
37 weeks and miserable!what to do?

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Im 37 weeks, my back hurts, I cant sleep, I keep getting headaches. I am at home now for the rest of the pregnancy and im soooo bored. Anyone else feel like this? Also anyone know any good preggo websites to keep me busy?




  1. can keep you busy all night lol, its great. And your not alone, I promice, one fun thing is to go and look through all your baby clothes, and work on a baby book, put together a pregnancy scrapbook. It only gets worse too lol, im just 9 days, and it feels like these are the longest few days of my life.

  2. for the pain the best thing to do is take a hot bath with soothing body oils, and for the boredum take walks around the area make sure you have a cell at all times it coud help you to induce labor

  3. ha im 35 weeks and im with you on this. havent slept in weeks, my pelvis feels like someone kicked me with a metal shoe, i have no appetite and im home all the time becuase i dont have energy to go anywhere. so your not the only one. im on this website alot answering questions and reading how stupid some of them are. also i like you can chat with other girls in the same week as you.  

  4. I'm 37 weeks along as well and I"m going OUT OF MY MIND!!!!! I spend alot of time on here thanking the good Lord I'm not just finding out I"m pregnant or dealing with 1st trimester issues!

    It seems to be harder the closer it gets. Before it was easy becuase it was so far away, now it feels like its just outta reach.

    At least we aren't just 30 weeks along!

  5. i now how you feel i am 40 weeks my due date was actually yesterday it has been miserable but it does go back and forth. some days are better then others. you can play card games or clean or even watch movies. keep your mind off of it as long as you can! good luck and congrats!

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