Ok, first of all this is probably TMI, but I'd really like you other ladies' opinions. I have a 7 year old so my memories of pregnancy have faded a bit.... I am currently 36 weeks, 5 days pregnant. Everything is normal & has gone great so far. I had my weekly exam today -which included a pelvic exam to check my cervix for dilation. About 2 hours after arriving home I noticed a thick, light brown discharge. I called & spoke to my Doctor's nurse and she said it was probably just spotting from checking my cervix. USUALLY when I've had spotting after a PAP or pelvic exam, the spotting was bright red, where as this is a brownish beige color. I'm still having this discharge ( 9 hours after exam). I haven't had any cramping, or even any braxton hicks contractions today... Just want your ladies opinions as I'm VERY anxious to finally have this baby. SO does it sound like I've lost my mucus plug, or do you think it's just spotting.