
37 weeks pg and found out my Fiance is "spying" on me..Advice please. I don't want to over react?

by Guest33512  |  earlier

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I feel that if we don't trust each other we should get married. I haven't told him i know that he read them yet. What should i do. What would you do. I feel very hurt.

So i was doing some things on our pc and it shows recent items and under that is all my conversations. The only way this would show up is that my Fiance went and looked at them. What should i do i feel very hurt. Yesterday was his birthday we live together we are having a baby together. Last night i was really tired so he came upstairs and layed in bed with me for awhile then he went down stairs to check his email and stuff. He was going to do it really fast but then didn't come upstairs till 3 hrs later. I didn't think anything of it till i was going to click on my work file which the easiest way well fastest is thou recent items which is were i saw ALL my msn conversations. They were never there before and i don't use msn anymore i use yahoo so the last one was from march so i KNOW they didn't pop up cuz i talked on them.




  1. confront him and ask him what and the h**l he thinks your doing pregnant???

  2. Wow. Uhm you need to talk to him about this. You absoltally need to. And if you guys are going to get married...and he doesn't trust you that is not good.

  3. Usually if he doesn't trust you is because you either let him down before and did something that made him spy or he is hiding something and since he can't trust himself he won't trust you either. both ways you need to find out and fix it before getting married.

  4. This is a serious breach of your privacy. If he cannot trust you, he is not a guy you should marry, even though your lives are already connected through the baby you're carrying.

    Talk to him and find out why he felt the need to pry into your private conversations. Don't be angry and confrontational unless he lies about having done it. There's something going on with him and you need to find out what.

  5. he sounds like he has trust issues.. girl id be a little worried...  thats scary to think you have to "watch" your words because it seems like he's always there.....  you need to bring it out in the open and let him know you know he was spying through your stuff...  ask him why he was reading your conversations..  i look through my mans myspace all the time. i have all his passwords and info, but he KNOWS i check his.  he knows what i do and dont do, and if i tell him i didnt do something, he believes me...  you need to find out if he's been doing anything else...

  6. Wow.  definetly trust issues.  I'd confront him and ask.  Why is he suspicious?  do you guys want to really get married with these kind of things between you two?  Open lines of communication.  its the most important thing in a marriage.  If you respect eachother, you'll communicate.  even if love isn't there, as long as you can talk that implies respect and consideration.  talk talk talk.  and i don't mean fight, don't argue, don't shout.  talk.

    good luck.

  7. Confront your man, and ask him what the heck is going on!

  8. Well I guess there are 3 decisions you could make. React, counteract, or don't react. By reacting you could just talk to him and tell him that you know he's been spying on you, and that you don't appreciate it, whether his intentions were good or bad. By counteracting you could read his messages and see if he's suspicious of you because he himself is being dishonest. And last, you could just act like it never happened and keep an eye on what he's viewing on your computer in the future.

    Chances are he's just defensive of you, but he could also be trying to find evidence that to back up his suspicions that you're being dishonest.

    Best of luck! =)

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