
37 weeks pregnant and i have sharp pains in my lower abdomen?

by  |  earlier

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i am 37 weeks and im getting sharp pains in my lower abdomen can any one shed some light on what it might be?




  1. call your Dr. Maybe contractions. Good luck!!

  2. Could be your body getting ready for labor ie. baby moving into position. good luck and congrats

  3. Note frequency of pains.  If they come at regular-ish intervals, could be early contractions.  Keep an eye on things, and be ready to head for the hospital if they are happening regularly.  None of my children waited until their due date.  This baby could be ready to make an appearance.  Are your bags ready?  Good luck and congrats!!

  4. Could be the baby dropping. I had some sharp pains 2 nights ago and I woke up in the morning and my belly was much lower, the baby had dropped into position.

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