
37 weeks...with lots of effects lol?

by  |  earlier

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I am 37 weeks pegnant and I had lost my mucous plug yesterday. I went to the hospital and they said I was Dilaterd 3 cm and that my contractions are 17 to 18 min. apart. My cervix was already effected 50 % two weeks ago... I have no clue how much longer it can go or i can take LOL!




  1. WOW!!! Your alsmost there, As long as the pains are not getting to bad you should be fine..

  2. How about sending some of that luck my way! I'm not sure If I'm dilated, but I think I am. I just have a feeling its at least 2cm.

    Nearing the end and I'm just so miserable.. ugh..

    Good luck and CONGRATS TO YOU!!

  3. Your almost there hun!

    You can do it...your baby will be here before you know it.

    Get lots of rest :)

    Best wishes!

  4. i know im post to answer ur question but im only 33 weeks what did ur mucus plug look like and can i break of piece by piece??

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