
37w along. woke up with cramps, went to the bathroom found blood in my underwear. should i call the doc?

by Guest32698  |  earlier

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the cramps hurt but nothing i couldnt take.




  1. Yes call the doctor asap.  have you had any contractions?

  2. Yes, for sure.

  3. Why are you on here asking us, you should be talking to your doctor!

  4. Yes you should call the doctor. They might tell you to go the hospital.

  5. you should always call your doctor if you see any kind of blood. About a month before I was due I all of sudden felt like I peed in my pants and looked down and the blood had gone through my pants and onto the bed. It freaked me out and just kept coming. I went to the doctor as soon as they told me to and they monitored me all night but everything seemed fine. I would go but like my doctor said towards the end there could be some blood but as long as it doesn't continue for more than like 1/2 an hour and you can still feel the baby moving around, you should be fine. I hope everything is ok.

  6. Yes always call when you see blood.

    Good luck!

  7. I would call the Dr to make sure its nothing bad, might just be the baby pushing down but i would call the make sure good luck

  8. It would call the doctor.  And time the cramps.  When I was in labor, I had cramps but they were more uncomfortable than painful.  The were "nothing I couldn't take".

  9. don't call, GO. Because i called and told them that and they were all like "a little spotting is normal at this point because of the pressure," ok that same day i went in and had my daggone baby the next day, the nurses arent always correct. I would go so she can check you.

  10. YES!  call the doctor immediately!

    good luck

  11. Bright red blood needs to be reported to your Dr. immediately.

    If it is pink or brownish tinged, then that is rather normal and just a signal of true labor starting.

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