
38 Weeks and no more contractions?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 38w and 2d. I went into early labor at 32 weeks and had to have shots and stuff to stop it. I'm already dilated to 5cm as of last Thursday. Over the weekend, it seems like my contractions stopped. I don't even have braxton hicks contractions. Literally none. Anyone else know what could be going on?




  1. its always "Still before the storm"  Maybe baby is on its way!!! =)  CONGRATS!!! Call your doc if you are worried tho!

  2. i really wouldn't worry cause "mother nature" has a way of making sure everything goes ok. your body and the baby knows when it's time to make a move. just relax and enjoy the time that you have to actually get some sleep cause in a little while everything is going to change.

    good luck and congrats!

  3. Hang in there, he's on his way.  Just watch out for those contractions they will come again.  But I know several girls who this hap pend to and they actually went past there due date.  After going into false labor early.  

    Im 38.5 days and on and off again braxtin hicks for the past week.  Baby has slowed down in movements allot !! and my appetite has pretty much gone.  Hope its soon

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