
38 week Dr. appt and Dr didn't check me...?

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This is my 3rd baby and she didn't check to see if I was dialated at all. Is this normal? I haven't been checked yet, not even when they did my Group B Strep last week. With my other 2 I would have been checked already and I am going to the same Dr as I did with the other 2. It was just a little frustrating since I've been having contractions on and off for a week now, I would have thought she would have checked me. Do I have a right to see a different Dr and request to be checked??




  1. You have every right to ask your current doctor to be checked and/or see a different doctor to be checked.  Its your body, your baby and when it comes to doctors you have every right to ask questions or request things with in reason from them.  Good Luck and congrats on the baby!

  2. I think this "Laura I" chick is an immature little ***** and needs to be reported. Click on her profile and read all of her answers. I think we shold all report her ladies...

  3. Being checked means nothing.  There really is no point to check, but it is fun to know.  After having two other kids, I'm sure you know you can be dialated for weeks and nothing happens, or you can not be dilated and then go into labor the next minute.  But it doesn't hurt to ask.  YOu should've asked before you left.  

  4. There's really no reason to be checked, and doctors are changing the way to they do practice because there is no medical benefit in knowing what your cervix is or isn't doing until it's suspected labor has started. Digging around in there is only another risk for infection (albeit a small one), and if nothing is to be gained other than to satisfy curiosity then there is no reason to check.

    You can always request to be checked. But I don't think this is worth switching doctors over. Your doctor is following current evidence based practice, which means you have a good doctor. ;)

    Hang in there. Good luck.

  5. YES, I got checked first staring at 36/37 weeks. They def should check you by now you only have 2 weeks left and they haven't even checked you once. I would of said something to the Doctor and asked why haven't they yet.. or if it makes you feel better call your doctors office and ask if you can reschedule your next appointment but with different Doctor, they prob wont even ask why.

  6. I would want to be checked. My doctor started checking me as soon as I hit full term (37 weeks) with my first. If your doctor refuses you could always just go to the hospital and tell them you are having contractions. They will have to check you then. I would request a different doctor, especially if this one is doing things that you don't like.

  7. You have a right to ask that you be checked and while you are at it, I would also ask why they are not checking you.  Once you hear there answer just say okay got it, but i would like to be checked.  

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