
38 weeks 1 day 3 cm dialated 85 % effaced?

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I am 38 weeks 1 day with some mild contactions but it seems like everytime they hit that point that their gonna do something..they stop. 've walked with them and everythng and they dont stay. Any ideas on what I can do. Doc refuses any type of induction b4 42 weeks so i am at a loss.




  1. GO TO THE DOCTORS!!!!!!! ASAP!!!!!!  

  2. I am 38 weeks and 5 days an 1cm dilated 50% effaced.. so sounds like your doing better than me, maybe you will go soon, you dont always have to have contractions in order to go into labor or have your water break either. But also i get a c section tues!!! good luck!

  3. be patient lol look looks like baby wants to come  

    keep up your walking....and have s*x:)  

  4. Have s*x!  What puts the baby in, takes the baby out! hahahah  Good luck!

  5. Continue walking and as uncomfortable as this sounds, have s*x. Sperm is a prostaglandin. Inductions are done with expensive prostaglandins, you got yours free. You are doing great, you are already dilated and almost completely effaced. In the end, babies will come when they are supposed to come, no matter what you do.  

  6. Just relax and rest up. The baby will come pretty soon from the sounds of it, it's better than he/she come on their own. Induction isn't an easy route for either of you. The walking will help (gravity) or as everyone else pointed out you can try s*x. Good luck.

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