
38 weeks 2!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i am 38 w 2 d and 3cm dialated and about 85% effaced and getting very frustrated. I have contractions only when i am standing but they lead to nothing, except frustration. I have these horrible hot flashes while having the contractions this normal? any advice on what i can do to get this uncomfortable show on the road? 3rd baby by the way. but ad my daughter 33w and my son at 37 so i didnt have to play this wating game. lol. HELP!!!




  1. Well I am 38 weeks and 2 days as well with my third child ( small world). I am having s*x with my husband, eating spicy food and going on a walk with my 16 month old daughter. Other than that I don't know what to do, if something works for you let me know! Good luck.  

  2. try drinking castor oil, I have heard it can speed things along

  3. What has this got to do with trying to conceive?  

  4. I know this is going to sound crazy but go to your local mall...the walking and whole combined stress and relaxation of the trip will get things going, and the walking isn't too's just enough. It worked for a friend of mine (and she has gotten the same advice from others to go to the mall). I know it sounds odd but give it a try.

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