
38 weeks 4 days pregnant ;; being induced on tues. packing the hospital bag, whats something youd recommend??

by Guest32129  |  earlier

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other then the toiletries and clothes whats something you didnt bring but would have found usefull or something you did bring and found extremely useful???

thank you...

i wanna get it down by tomorrow i know its late but im a procrastanator..haha




  1. I am not being lazy or anything....(Or maybe I am, I am 38 weeks

    But I just asked this question a couple weeks ago and I got tons of great answers, here's the link!;...

  2. I read so many lists and most of them didn't fit me. Here's my list I used with my second and now 3rd.

    warm socks

    toiletries of course

    clothes of course but make sure they're comfy and also make sure you wouldn't mind if you got blood on them, I bleed more then I thought.

    your own pads, the ones they give you are horrible

    a towel or 2, the towels they give you are so small

    a pillow and blanket for comfromts of home





    a comfy bra {i prefer sports bras}

    And if your breastfeeding

    breast pads

    cream for you nipples

    And for baby

    a blanket

    a pacifer in case you don't like the one they give you

    nail file or nail clippers, his nails are gonna be sharp and the hospital won't file or clip them that's up to you

    a come home outfit

    a couple diapers

    a hat

    you shouldn't need a bottle for most hospitals will give you one to go home with but take one just in case if you're bottle feeding

  3. I forgot my brush, luckily my husband was there and had a comb.  So, don't forget a brush.  I brought makeup but didn't use it.  Bring some favorite snacks or drinks, a page for baby foot prints, and a going home outfit for baby.

    The hospital has a lot of stuff you don't bring, like lotion, socks, powder, deodorant (although it doesn't work well).  Seems like you've got it under control.  Best of luck, and congratulations...wish you well throughout your labor & post-partum.

  4. I brought some music and movies of my choice, because the hospital I was at had cd/dvd players.   However, during the night of my induction, when I wasn't throwing up and not medicated, and in pain, I ended up also just watching tv, because the hospital had "full" cable and we didn't at home, so I enjoyed having things like TLC (I love What Not to Wear, and don't get to see it normally anymore) and the Weather Channel (I watched some storm specials on and off - I am a weather junkie).  

    I had a crossword puzzle book, which was great, too. I actually got some puzzles half done, but after several hours, I couldn't pay attention anymore.  

    I would have liked to have had my laptop, and I could have been online since they had wifi.   I didn't, though, and maybe that was okay, because I probably would have ended up throwing up all over it.  I had a different experience as I ended up with a c-section some 17 hours after induction began, and my baby ended up in the NICU.   So when I was in my room post c-section without the baby, my husband did bring in my laptop, and it was so good to get connected online again.

  5. I found a stress ball, or something you can squeeze extremely hard very useful!

    Labor is very painful (obviously!) and I found using a stress ball very handy.

  6. i dont know what you have packed so ill go over everything..

    you may want your own pillow and/or blanket

    toothbrush and toothpaste

    headbands and elastics


    a bit of makeup



    sports/nursing bras


    shampoo and conditioner

    body wash/soap

    hair brush

    a squirt bottle (they may give you'll need to fill it up with warm water and squirt down there after you pee to keep clean)

    lots of pads (again they may give you'll bleed like crazy after the baby arrives)


    a few pairs of pjs


    towels (hospital ones are usually tiny)

    some regular clothes that are loose fitting for the leave

    postpartum vitamins

    some fibre pills or prune juice (constipation is very common after delivery)

    nipple shields (if you are breastfeeding it can help to get the baby latched and protect your nipple from those little daughter almost sucked my nipple off i swear) lol i wish i had brought them..



    3 or 4 outfits

    a hat

    mittys so the baby doesnt scratch her face


    a lot of receiving blankets

    2 or 3 comfy blankets

    bottles (if needed)

    formula (if needed)

    car seat


  7. Second time around I packed all my essentials for me and the babies. In addition to that:

    Chapstick for myself

    small amount of makeup for when people were taking pictures

    my own pads (I didn't like the hospital ones)

    baby book (start filling it in right away, while you have time in the hospital)

    a folder to put all of the baby's paperwork (test results, discharge instructions ect..)

    a folder for my paperwork

    snacks (granola bars and pretzels)

    mints or gum

    hair ties or clips for during labor (don't want sweaty hair in your face!)

    Good luck!!

  8. bring things to keep you busy, like abook or a word search puzzle, a little dvd player something fun to try to keep your mind off contractions when your in labor. Also brings lots of cameras, you'll want breath mints just incase you cant brush your teeth and your mouth feels nasty. Bring a fan also, you can get really hot durring labor.

  9. I took a heating pad with me. I know that sounds crazy, but I have a bad back and when I was having contractions my back was hurting horribly too (I dont think it was back labor.) But it helped make me more comfortable overall.  

  10. be sure not to forget your medical records(they are important)

    Cosmetic bag : soap etc

    Sanitary towels (no tampons)

    Clean Under wear


    Night Gown

    Clothing to wear home

    Nursing Bra


    For the Baby:

    Clothing:Vests. hats,socks,booties




    recieving blanket



    baby hand covers

    baby clippers


    Brush /Comb set

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