
38 weeks...all of a sudden emotionally nuts...?

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I have been fine this whole pregnancy...lookin forward to meeting my little girl SOOO much! And this afternoon, I started freaking for no reason..I am still not really scared of delivery (I know its going to suck and I am just trying not to think about it..) But now I am crying over everything!!! Even looking at my dog sets me off into a tizzy....Has this ever happened to anyone and it be a sign that labor is near?




  1. I've never heard of it being a sign that labor is near.  But!  I did have a similar experience with my first son.  

    I'm sure it's just that by this time we're so done with being pregnant, we think we can't take it any more, we just want to get it over with, etc. that we flip.  

    Just don't watch any sad movies or commericals about abused animals and you'll be fine until your little one comes.  Good luck!  Oh- and get some sleep while you can!!!

  2. There is a simple reason why you are crying...your tired of being pregnant. I was that way 3 times!  Good Luck :-)

  3. aw, don't be so stressed..Everyone worries about labor..It is difficult, but after it's over, I always think about how easy it was. Usually when I get close to being done, I cry over everything lol.

  4. You will be fine. That is very normal. Just remember that your baby is going to be here very soon and she is going to make you the happiest person. Good Luck.

  5. Don't get worried. I have not had a child, but it's very usual for women to get emotional, due to all of the hormones. Now that you are about 9 months pregnant (38 weeks), you will be extremely emotional. It's very normal, and it may mean that you will have your baby girl soon, but it's not something to depend upon. Hope this helps! I'm very happy for you! Enjoy your little baby girl! :D

  6. I know how you feel... I have days that I feel really strong and think I can handle it, the baby will come smoothly, then other days I am just freaking. Thinking of the pain and the whole "not knowing". But I guess, all the stressing and worrying will not make a difference. I find that my emotions are really on edge from the 38-39wk. I just get really snappy which I never was throughout the whole pregnancy and can feel my stress and anxiety levels rising... To fix this problem, I am treating myself to a pregnancy massage. I think it will help the blood flow and circulation, not to mention great for relaxation.. Maybe look into it.. It may help with the lab our... Just make sure the person is trained in this specialized massage. All the best and we should be having our babies very very soon.....

  7. I think what you are experiencing is a mix of the nesting urge and maybe some fluxuation of your hormones in preperation for birth.  Every pregnant women reacts differently during the trimesters and different stages of pregnancy.  

    It could be anxiety or worry about all the things that an expectant mother worries about...I won't go into detail as I don't want to set you off...Just try to stay positive and think about how much this beautiful child is going to bring into your life in a wonderful way!!!  

    I"m sure at this stage you are seeing your doctor weekly.  If you are still feeling this way at your next appointment make sure to address it with him/her!

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