
38 weeks and 4days having really painful contractions every 4 to 6 min. apart!!!?

by  |  earlier

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My cervix hasn't dilated yet, but i'm halfway doctor plans to induce sat. what should i do!!!




  1. your in labour!!!

    i went from being 1cm to 10cms dilated very fast ie 1hour. i would ring the hospital and get checked out again.

    also try holding on as long as u can until u cant take the pains as sometimes the hospitals can be fussy of when u come in.

    good luck

  2. Keep timing the contractions - if they get stronger, closer together and/or longer in duration then get yourself to the hospital.

    Congratulations - you are going to have a baby very soon!

  3. Well you don't know if you've dilated by now or not...I went from a closed cervix no dilation to 2cm and 70% effaced in 2 you Dr. asap...or just go in!!!

  4. It sounds like you may be in labor.  My instructions for labor were if it were my first, and the contractions were 5 minutes apart for an hour, I had to call the doctor.  I would definitely call your doc!  Good luck!

  5. Go to the hospital, hun!!! Good Luck!

  6. go to the hospital

  7. It could be dilated now! If the contractions are coming in a regular pattern you need to call your Dr and see if they want you to go ahead and come in. Usually by that frequency they want you there.

  8. Our third was born 12 days early and I was having basically the same labor symptoms you're having. When I got to labor and delivery I was 8 cm... don't be so sure you aren't ready to have this baby. Call labor and delivery and I will BET they will have you come in.

  9. If your contactions are 5 minutes apart, one minute long and last for one hour you should be off to the hospital dear! You could have progressed a lot further than the last time you were checked!

  10. How do you know your cervix isn't dilated now? I would go to the hospital if I were you.  

  11. HUN!!! 4 to 6 mins apart that is really contractions, go call your doctors!!! Don't worry about ur doctor plan induce it's important right now to call your doctors.  

  12. Didn't your doctor tell you when to go to the hospital? My midwife said if the contractions are 5 min apart, which is basically what you have now. So call your doc's office, tell them you are in labor, and go to the hospital.

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