
38 weeks and no signs of hope...?

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I am 38 weeks, and my baby has not dropped... I have not lost my mucus plug... and I seriously doubt that I've dilated any (I find out for sure on Tuesday)...

I'm just starting to feel like I've been pregnant my whole life! It's like I'm waiting for a sign that this does end, but still nothing. I know rationally that it can not be that much longer, but why am I the only one that isn't getting signs of an impending labor this late in the game? Has anyone else felt this way or am I the only one???




  1. that is how i feel due in 3 week have not had any braxton hicks baby is still playing the xylophone on my ribs i just keep counting to make sure that i have been through all the other months its like please do something but we both know this too shall pass and soon we will be hired for a life time role as Mommy good luck and try to keep  your mind active especially if you are on leave like me i do not know what i will do monday when the kids go back to school i will be all alone waiting

  2. ok, im 35 weeks and know exactly what you feel....

    my advice would be WALK!!! if you have a gymball or have a chance to buy one, get it and try sitting on it, doing "rounds", front and back and side to side.... this really helps.

    also, eat spicy food and all this things that can help you!

    good luck and i wish this baby comes out soon!!!!

  3. Anything could happen in 2 weeks!

    I'm only 34 weeks so not quite there yet.... but it still feels like forever- i sympathise with you lol

    If you havent already, maybe try Rasberry Leaf Tea (or the tablet form) from chemist or health shop?  Apparently it helps ripen the cervix and get it ready for labor- this might help a bit?  Also just try and walk and the rest as the above stated...

    Well good luck,  

  4. You know with my first I felt the same way I was 40 wks and 1 day when I had her and believe me I thought I was totally ready to have it all over with. But when it happened ( now don't get me wrong I love my daughter) with all the screaming and crying and lack of sleep and just plan exhaustion I wanted to put her back.

    It is not as easy as it seems and no MATTER how ready you are you NEVER will be prepared for your new baby. Every child is different and so is every pregnancy. So enjoy your pregnancy don't rush it. Take this time to enjoy the little kicks and nudges to the ribs cause you will miss it more than you think. '

  5. Woah! Go easy on your self, why so much pressure?

    Some people have long and protracted pre-labours (the period late in pregnancy when the symptoms you mentioned are experienced: dilation, irregular contractions, baby dropping etc) others just don't. Pregnancy doesn't run to a set timetable.

    I only started dilating four days before my son was born (at 41 weeks) and it happened in spurts (3cm in an hour then nothing for three days, then 2cm over 24 hrs... etc) and he didn't engage until eight hours before he was born. I think I lost the mucus plug the day before. Perfectly normal.

    Relax, try to enjoy the last weeks or days of your pregnancy.

    Walking, swimming and squatting will help baby's head descend and that should help things along.

    Hang in there and good luck!

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