
38 weeks preggo, movement only on one side?

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Hi, I am 38 weeks pregnant, and seem to have only movement on right side mainly. Went to doctor today and am dialated 2cm and baby is head down for several weeks now. Is this normal? seems as though she does prefer that side, i am guessing. Has anyone eles experence this? at least 90% of the time movement is right side. Should i be worried? everything eles is fine as long as heart beat and all ultrasounds go. Any advice would help.. thanks




  1. no everything is ok my son likes  to lay on my left side when he sleeps...its perfectly normal  

  2. its just the position of the baby! don't worry about it.  ur fine the baby is fine.  good luck!!!

  3. i had the same thing, baby was always felt on one side a lot more than the other, i asked the midwife and she said he just prefers that side!

  4. its normal but if u r already 2cm u will be going into labor very soon BEST OF LUCK & CONGRADULATIONS

  5. I imagine baby will be lying with her back to your side and so her legs and arms are all pointing towards the side where you feel most movement.

    This is very common it is also common earlier in pregnancy when the baby's movement might be masked by the lie of the placenta.

    Please do not worry it is good that baby is giving you plenty of kicks.  You may be able to feel babies spine if you put your hand on the side where you feel least movement.

  6. No, you shouldn't be worried, that is a good sign!

    It means your baby is more than likely in her final birth position, head down, and bum up!

    If your kicks are to the right (like my bubs') it's more than likely your little one is in the L.O.A (Left Occipito Anterior) position, which is a normal presentation for birth!

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