
38 weeks pregnant, 1 cm dilated for 2 weeks now?

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I am pregnant with my third child and for both my 37 and 38 week visits I was 1 cm. I am just afraid since I did not open up anymore in a weeks time that this time my cervix is going to "misbehave". I have an induction scheduled next week. This is so weird b/c with my first I was 2 days before my due date and 5 cm dilated so they put me in labor, and with my second, I was .5 cm @ 38 weeks, 1 cm @ 39 weeks, 2 @ 40 weeks, 3 @ 41 weeks then they induced me the next day and I was 5 cm when they did that. I delivered my first in 4.5 hours and my second in 2.5 hours after they started induction. I have had cryo done to my cervix since my 2nd and it worries me that it is preventing me from opening right. This really bothers me due to no change in a week when usually I just open up without labor. Can anyone give advice on either having cryo or staying at 1 cm for a few weeks then BAM, opening up.




  1. Go for a really long walk (not alone)... or/and have s*x...

  2. with my daughter i was 1cm for 5 weeks, and my doctor induced me on my due date and i went from 5cm to 9 cm in about 2 hours. i had my daughter 6 hours after they started the induction.  

  3. Sorry I have no advice for you.  I was dilated at 1 at 39 weeks then 2 days before I went in still at 1, then my water broke on my due date.  I went in and they induced me because I had contractions.  I was in labor for 10 hours before I even dilated to 4!  I think it just happens sometimes.  Good Luck!

  4. Lol!! A misbehaving cervix... too funny. Are they inducing you at 39 weeks? Why?

    I don't know about cryo but I can tell you three things:

    1) every pregnancy and labour is completely different. Try not to compare this one to the other two.

    2) the cervix doesn't dilate to schedule. Anyone who tries to tell you it should (one cm an hour or whatever) doesn't understand the human body as well as they might think.

    3) One thing I have observed in my experience of birth (my own and those of others) is that the single greatest factor that slows dilation down is FEAR. If a woman is fearful, anxious, tense or unsure about the birth for any reason her contractions (if any) will slow or even stop and her cervix will stop dilating.

    So to help things along, I would suggest you address any fears or anxieties you have about the birth. Talk to a trusted friend or counsellor.

    Also, spontaneous labour contractions are much easier to deal with as they are not synthetically induced. So I have listed a few things you could try to help bring labour on naturally.


    - nipple stimulation

    - acupressure/acupuncture

    - spicy food, as long as it doesn't give you heartburn

    - gentle exercise, especially walking/swimming

    - red raspberry leaf tea

    - essential oils of jasmine, rose, neroli and clary sage.

    - blue and black cohosh (should only be prepared for you by a qualified herbalist/naturopath)

    Good luck. I wish you all the best.

    Happy birthing!

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