I am pregnant with my third child and for both my 37 and 38 week visits I was 1 cm. I am just afraid since I did not open up anymore in a weeks time that this time my cervix is going to "misbehave". I have an induction scheduled next week. This is so weird b/c with my first I was 2 days before my due date and 5 cm dilated so they put me in labor, and with my second, I was .5 cm @ 38 weeks, 1 cm @ 39 weeks, 2 @ 40 weeks, 3 @ 41 weeks then they induced me the next day and I was 5 cm when they did that. I delivered my first in 4.5 hours and my second in 2.5 hours after they started induction. I have had cryo done to my cervix since my 2nd and it worries me that it is preventing me from opening right. This really bothers me due to no change in a week when usually I just open up without labor. Can anyone give advice on either having cryo or staying at 1 cm for a few weeks then BAM, opening up.