
38 weeks pregnant ;; BAD abckache in lower right back, should i be concerned?

by  |  earlier

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it hurts no matter what im doing and it never seems to go away..

did anyone else have this constant pain???

could it be a sign of labor even though theres no tightening??




  1. A friend of mine never felt contractions, just had a bad back ache.  When she finally went in to the doctor, the baby was almost crowning.  That is just one person's experience, though.  The best person to talk to would be your doctor, they are there to help you.

  2. Could be labor. Go drink some water and lay down for an hour and see how you feel.

  3. I have been having contrations for about a week and I have had a pain in my back for the same amount of time. I went to the hospital because of it and a few other signs of premature labor. The hospital told me to take a Tylenol and/or use a heating pad to relieve some of the pain and gave me a shot to stop the contractions due to the fact that I am only 33 weeks along. It is a sign of labor so if you truly are worried I would call the doctor and see what he/she thinks you should do. Mine said go to the hospital, you won't know until you ask. Good luck with everything!

  4. yes this could be a sign of pending labor. You should mention this to your Health care provider.

    Good luck

  5. it sounds as if your baby has de itself comfortable in the lower region. at seven months your hips began to shift and get larger for the delivery of the baby. your lower back is hurting due to the pressure of the baby. Nothing to be concerned about. take hot baths to relax and best wishes for a fast delivery!

  6. When I was pregnant with my sons I had back labor, but it could be that the baby is just sitting towards your back and is putting pressure on it. I know this might sound dumb, but I would get on all fours to relieve some of the pressure on my back.  

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