
38 weeks pregnant.. Could I be close to labor?

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Hi everyone. I'm 38 weeks pregnant today. The last time that I went to the doctor they said that I was having mild contractions and I had dilated to 1 cm. Within the last week I've been getting lower back pain, cramping, and stomach tightening all together, but it only goes on for a little while before it completely stops. Also last night I woke up at least every hour with really bad back pain but it would settle down and I could go back to sleep. Then this morning its like it all went away. The baby isn't moving as much as he used to either, but the doctor checked his heart rate on Thursday and said it was fine and he was really low. Anyways now that I've told you a whole story...

Do you think that I could be on my way to labor soon?? I know there is no way of really telling when labor is going to happen but I would like to know some opinions. Thanks.




  1. Yes, you might be in labor and no it's not to soon. 38 weeks to 40 weeks is considered full term. If you are having cramping in your back that is probably contractions. I had back labor with my first 2 and its harder for the dr to tell if you are having contractions that way because they can't monitor them in your back. MIne moved into my stomache the last 2 or 3 three hours before I had my kids always slowed down in moving around when I was going into labor, too, but if you stop feeling the baby move altogether then you should call your doctor just to be on the safe side.

  2. It sounds like you are close.  The baby will definitely be here within 3 weeks!  ;)  My first baby was 8 days early, but the second was 6 days late.  With your signs, I'd guess your baby will come earlier.  Good luck!

  3. Yes, it sounds like you will be going into labor soon.  But I think at 38 weeks going into labor soon is your only option at this point...good luck

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