
38w5d pregnant and sad, just need to vent kinda long?

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okay so I am 38w5d and up untill now I was perfectly content on just waiting for her to come on her own sweet time. Especially since this is my first pregnancy and I expect that I would go longer than 40 weeks as a lot of first time mommies do. Well, it just so happens that two of my closest friends are pregnant and one was due on aug 23 and the other on sept 11. Well the first is going in tonight to get her cervix opened because she has not dialated at all, and then she is being induced tomorrow, and the other is being induced tonight because of high blood pressure. I got really upset when I found out, I started crying because I am just so ready to have this baby and be able to see her and hold her. SO I guess I am just wondering is it normal to feel like this or am I just being selfish? Im not going to try to induce myself or anything, I am waiting untill she is ready to come, but it is so frustrating. Also, my dr refuses to check me and see if I am dialating or effacing at all. I know that I can dialate and still not go into labor, but maybe if I knew what was going on down there I might be able to deal. Plus, everytime I go to the dr he says "Wow, thats a really big baby in there" or "you sure are growing a big one" but when ever I ask about how big he thinks she is he sayes "i don't have a crystal ball, I can't answer that" and he said that the ultrasound had an error rate of 3 lbs so there is no way to tell. And he keeps saying I may need to have a csection, how can he think that she may not be able to fit without having even a guess as to how big she is?!?!? ugh I am just so tired, and frustrated and had to get that out. Thanks for listenting, feel free to vent to me if you want.




  1. firstly i would be a little peed at your dr for saying how big you are but not saying how big he thinks bub is he shouldnt be putting anymore anxiety on you at  all thats not very fair is scarey having your first let alone been stressed by your dr and you know maybe your carrying alot of fluid my friend looked huge bigger than me and i do have big bubs but hers was tiny 6lb she was all fluid so try not to worry about size and i understand the wait all my friends had there babies at 38wks and my last number6 i thought surely one would come early but nope hung in till due date so no your not being selfish your just wanting your beautiful bundle to hold now aswell its normal can you not call a friend and get out to do a few things to pass the days a bit quicker goodluck your nearly there !

  2. Your doctor needs to be reminded that you are paying him for a service and you want to be reassured.  I can't believe your doctor is not reassuring you on this!  Good luck.  

  3. I can't believe your doctor, he could atleast check you to make you feel better (seeing as how it's your first baby).  But I know exactly how you are feeling, I am due Sept. 16, and even those this is my 4th baby, it is still hard for me to wait.  I can't wait to see what he looks like, and hold him, and all that good stuff.  It's perfectly normal to feel this way but you dont have much longer.  Congrats, and good luck.

  4. hang in there it will be over before you know it!!!

  5. I know exactly how u feel. I am 38 w 1 d and MISERABLE. My doc is a real witch and makes every visit miserable instead of joyful like having a baby should be. I am trying everything to speed things along and NOTHING is working. Hang in there honey, at least they cant stay in forever lol!!!!!

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