
''The Black Death'' REAL FACTS And INFORMATION!?

by  |  earlier

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i need information about the black death-->real information I'm finding it hard to find REAL information.....cause some info are wrong...pls have ago and help plse Ty!




  1. Go here

    The BBC has put together what you are looking for

  2. I would suggest you read :

    In the Wake of the Plague  by Norman Cantor

    A Distant Mirror  by Barbara Tuchman

    A World Lit only by Fire  by William Manchester

    These books all very interesting and speak of the plague, the people, the times, and the general living conditions of the 14th century.

  3. it was caused by rats.

    back to back housing helped to spread the black death.

    if a family had it they painted a big red cross on the door.

    about 1/3 of Britain died from it.

    people moved to quite areas ie moutanins. these people lived!

  4. Why do you people claim you can't 'find' something when it's right there on GOOGLE.

    GOOGLE for "BUBONIC PLAGUE"  and you will turn up SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY SIX THOUSAND hits (756,000)... and if you GOOGLE for "BLACK DEATH" you will find TWENTY NINE MILLION SIX HUNDRED THOUSANDS hits (29,600,000)

    Either you don't know how to do BASIC RESEARCH or you are so lazy you want someone else to do your homework for you.

    GOOGLE is for doing RESEARCH

    Answers is for asking silly, frivilous questions that get silly, frivilous answers.

    You can get REAL ANSWERS from a GOOGLE SEARCH

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