
''sustainable development can only be achieved through environmental regulatins''?

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Please could somebody help me with an approach to the topic of my Essay which states that: critically discuss the statement ''sustainable development can only be achieved through environmental regulation'' if you think the statement is true help me with your reasons. and if you think otherwise then what are the other ways of achieving the sustainable development? guide to relevant references will be highly appreciated.





    that might help?

    you could maybe refer to it in your paper, use it as a case study/example or just cite his findings in your paper and compare them to what you found in your research or your own opinions.

    Make sure to cite properly though.

  2. Sustainable is a word that is used to simply say we can not compromise the future of others with what we develop today. Ideally we are supposed to be blending in to have as little impact on the planet as possible.

    Did you know that the entire development process is designed with temperature considerations? Did you know those important temperature considerations are completed in a calculator and never seen or verified? Hard to imagine the entire global warming argument is intellectual guess work because we can't see the temperatures we are designing for.

    Development has to be sustainable so we don't contribute to weather changes that would affect climate change. Meteorologists assume that everything we do on the surface of the planet is sustainable and not impacting atmospheric temperatures.

    Thermografix Consulting Corporation completed several years of the most advanced temperature imaging to verify "sustainability" with development and found disturbing trends affecting sustainability.

    Why do you cover your bare skin in the hot sun? The UV will burn you and the same UV is in effect scorching the surface of the planet when we remove ground cover to complete "sustainable development". When we complete developments we scrape the ground of the trees and anything living to put up absorbent buildings(development)

    Go to the following link to see solar impact on buildings and the fact solar radiation is causing buildings(development) to actually generate extreme heat. We can't see the heat so we react to the symptoms with ozone depleting refigerants called air conditioning. During heat waves, California is actually knocked off the electrical grid treating a heat symptom. At the link, you will actually how shade, functional landscaping and low-e finishes deal with the heat without producing emissions.

    Go to and see what the world is missing regarding climate change.

    Go to and scroll down to the picture of the fetus where you can link to a study on polluted newborns. How does a baby that has never taken a breath get mercury, fire retardents, fossil fuel emissions, incinerated garbage, Teflon, etc inside their bodies?

    Mom is drinking, breathing and eating the toxins and passing them to the baby except the baby has no ability to protect itself from these toxins. The toxicity ratio in the study was 100% and it means a fetus will be in a 911 crisis from conception. Medical support has discussed that a child doesn't have cancer at 10, they have had it for 10 years and 9 months.

    The reality is that we are not achieving sustainability in development and we are killing our children while we develop more regulations.

    The temperature information at the links isn't controversial, it is simply evolved temperature measurement outside the calculator. Here is a link to a letter sent to Western Governors and the Canadian Provinces telling them they are regulating sustainability, not achieving it.

    Best to you on your important essay.

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