
39 week ultrasound big baby, weighs 10 pounds 3 oz

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This is my first baby, he has been big the whole time, Would you schedule a C-section if this was you? Dr's are recomending one. Due to shoulder ditocia they think the baby may get stuck, I kinda agree. I havent dilated either. Thanks




  1. That's exactly what my doctor recommended and for that same reason.  My daughter was measuring big the whole time too.  Of course on the day my water broke they did an ultrasound and told me she was 12 pounds....she turned out to be 9lb, 6 oz.  So the ultrasound could be off but why take the risk?  Besides...c-sections are not as bad as they seem.  I'm actually happy that I had one and didn't have to go through all the pain of labor!

  2. go with a c section

    u wont regret it

  3. Ultrasounds are notoriously wrong when predicting birth weight.  A friend of mine had an ultrasound in the morning, which said the baby was almost 10lbs.  She had a csection that night cuz the baby was a footling breech, and the baby was only 7.5lbs...

    It really isn't common for a woman's body to grow a baby too big to birth.  And there are ways to deal with shoulder dystocia without resorting to a csection.  The Gaskin Maneuver is very successful at unsticking stuck babies.

    As for not dilating yet - there's no rule that you have to dilate before labour starts for successful vaginal delivery.  You will dilate when your body is ready.

  4. after 24 weeks an ultrasound weight estimate is almost always wrong. at that point the baby's head is bigger and indicates that the baby is a lot larger than it actually is. NOBODY that i know has had their weight estimates be correct close to birth, they have all had extremely high estimates and been off. one friend just had a baby and the doctor said the baby would weigh about 9 and a half lbs but he only weighed 8, SO personally i would not chose a c-section. but i am also planning on doing natural childbirth and will not be restricted to one labor and pushing position due to an epidural. with a larger baby there is an increased risk of a difficult delivery if you are lying on your back for delivery because the baby just isn't able to utilize gravity to position itself correctly. the best position to give birth to a larger baby is on your hands and knees or in a squatting position (feet on the floor).

    good luck on your decision.

    p.s. i think that doctors are always more eager to do a c-section because they get paid a lot more to do it.

  5. I would follow the dr's advice because he knows what's best for you.

    All of one of my husband's aunt's children were between 10 and 11 1/2 pounds and she delivered naturally, but it depends on your body if you will be able to do that.  If your hips are a bit narrow then that may be why he wants to do the c-section.

    Good luck, and congrats!

  6. Yes a section would be best... that would be a long painful labor sounds like! Another thing the section is good cause you know when the baby would join this world instead of playing the waiting game! good luck

  7. Yes, follow what your doctor says. Don't try and push him out at this point, it may do more harm to you and the baby. Go for the c-section.....

  8. if it's what your doc is recommending then it's medically necessary.  You don't want there to be any complications that could harm you or the baby.  Go for it!  It may not be what you wanted but in the end didn't you just want a healthy, happy baby?

    good luck:)

  9. my gudness thats big, i always wanted a c'section coz i was terified of given birth so i was glad when i had to. the docs do c'sections evry day so if there advising 1 then you are the only person who can say yes, it is scary but just think of what you will get out of it, good luk..

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