
39 weeks, fingertip dilated, still have mucous plug.. any encouragement?

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I'm feeling a little down right now! I'm 39 weeks and 1 day pregnant. For the past 3 weeks I've been a fingertip dilated but high and thick.. I haven't lost my mucous plug yet either. I am a VBAC hopeful so I'm praying to go into labor on my own, or else it will be a repeat C/S. I know God is in control but I am a little anxious that I'm not making much progress. Anyone have any success stories for someone who is less than a week away from her due date and not progressing much. I have until 41 weeks but I'm just feeling discouraged! Thanks




  1. oh dont feel discouraged, you still have some time up your sleeve, anything can happen between now and then!! I have had 2 pregnancies, a single and a twin. I didnt go into labour naturally with either. I was 10 days over with bub no.1 and 40 weeks with twins!!!! I was induced both times and i had natural births. Just because you may need to be induced doesnt mean you have to have a C/S. Maybe you can think about it that way....goodluck!!

  2. I have read s*x will help you dilate and efface. Even though it might be uncomfortable try. Don't forget your kegels.

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