
39 weeks and now 4cm?

by  |  earlier

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went to hospital 2 days ago and was not dialated but was having contractions that i didnt even know i was the went to doc today and im 4cm already that quick doc thinks i wont make it to next thursday which is her due date but i was wondering how many cm you have to be before they keep you in the hospital and how long it took people to get from 4cm tell baby time




  1. No one can tell you when you are going to have the baby, but my GUESS is it will be with in 3 days! It took me about 6 hours to have my baby after I was 4cm lol...

    I think it depends on your hospital, but my hospital would keep you once you were to 4cm... and would only give you the epidural after you were 4cm... it seems to be the magic number. I have always heard once you got to 5cm you dilate fast so and that was the case for me too... be feeling for those contractions and congrats!  

  2. wow! 4cm boy u are short!!! can u even fit a baby in u? becaue man 4 cm is like... wow... like 2 inches.

  3. I was 4 cm with both my boys two weeks before going into labor with them, once I was in actual labor and I had regular contractions I  dilated really fast, in fact by the time I got to the hospital I was 8 with my first son and 9 with my second.  They usually wont keep you at the hospital until you have dilated at least to 2 and have regular contractions that are about 2 minutes apart.  I remember being in the hospital with my second son and the girl down the hall screaming her head off and she was only 3 cm but her contractions were 2 minutes apart.
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