
39 weeks period like pains?

by  |  earlier

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I have never had braxton hicks, the baby has been engaged for the last week. Last night and this morning been having period like pain (quite bad when it comes) every few hours and it seems to last about 10min each time. What does this sound like to you? thanks




  1. those are contrations pack ur bags good luck:)

  2. the baby has been engaged for the last week

    the baby has been engaged for the last week

    the baby has been engaged for the last week

    the baby has been engaged for the last week

    the baby has been engaged for the last week

    the baby has been engaged for the last week

    the baby has been engaged for the last week

    the baby has been engaged for the last week

    the baby has been engaged for the last week

    the baby has been engaged for the last week

    the baby has been engaged for the last week

    the baby has been engaged for the last week

    the baby has been engaged for the last week

    the baby has been engaged for the last week

    the baby has been engaged for the last week

    the baby has been engaged for the last week

    the baby has been engaged for the last week

    the baby has been engaged for the last week

  3. I think your baby in on its way!!

    good luck and congrats!!

  4. im also 39weeks (congrats) and ive experienced the same thing. i saw my mid-wife yesterday and she said it was just Braxton hicks.

    if the pain starts to become more frequent (every 5min) call your mid-wife or doctor.

    good luck!

  5. pregnency will do that to you  

  6. Your in labor!  

  7. Girl, get to the hospital!!! NOW!!! ASK A DOCTOR, DON'T ASK US GIRL! WE AIN'T DOCTORS!!! GO!!!! Good luck. :D

  8. call the doc, and get ready to go to the hosp. gl..........

  9. Sounds like you should get your bag by the door and get ready to go :) YAY!! Contractions do feel like mentrual pains at first and progressively get worse. Sometimes they do start out coming every so often and then get more timely. When they are coming every 5 minutes or so, time to go!! Warm Wishes!!!

  10. drink some sugar water and lay on your side my due date is monday and I get theese pains all the time  

  11. Im a mother of 2 and im 37 weeks pregnant due 9/8/08. To me it sounds like ur in labor. If u have 4 to 6 or more in an hour I would head to the hospital. Call ur hospital n talk to labor n delivery tell them what u have been feeling n see what they say. They might tell u to head to the hospital.  

  12. That's what it felt like both times I went into labor.

  13. Sounds like early labor, but don't panic. Most doctors will tell you to stay home until the contractions are ten minutes apart. You sound like you still have a while to go...I don't want to scare you but my mom was in early labor for two weeks before she finally said "s***w this" and had the doctor give her something to speed up the contractions. Just bear with it as long as you can.

  14. Early labor. I think you just need to watch the clock and if they get around 5 min. apart get to the hospital. I think your little one is about to make their debut. Good luck and get ready.

  15. sounds like your in the first stages of labour

  16. aw, its most likely u dilating :D !

    im due saterday and ive been getting killer peirod cramps for the last week & yesterday my doctor checked me and i was 3-4 cm dilated.

    some women get period like cramps instead of actual contractions.  

  17. it sounds like you are starting early labor. go for a long walk or walk up and down stairs have s*x and drink some hot sauce these all help get you farther into labor.

  18. Sounds like you need to pack your bags for the hospital!!!  Baby is getting ready!!

  19. sounds like baby is on the way!! congrats

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