
39 weeks pregnant, high blood pressure, induce??

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I had my doc appointment today and he said that I'm not dilated, but my cervix is thinning out a little. He mentioned my blood pressure and said that since it's 140/89 (i usually have around 107/79), if I were having headaches and/or blurry vision. I told him I'm having both, including lots of swelling. He told me if I got blurry vision again, to go to the hospital.

I interpreted it has being induced once I go, is there anything else they would do at the hospital with my being 39 weeks??




  1. go to the hospital hun. Don't risk losing your baby. see what they say at the hospital. It will relive your stress ( which is not good for baby) and you will no that baby is safe. Best option. They would probably check up on bub see if she's ok if not they will take her out.

  2. Sounds like your suffering from PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension)/ Gestational Hypertension. the only "cure" is to deliver the baby. I delivered at 39 because of PIH and it was induced.

    did they have you do a pee test for protein? If your protein level is high you may have preclampsia which is a little more serious but is cured by having the baby. You'll get a magnesium bag while in labor. I had this with my first pregnancy, induced at 37 weeks. Mag will make you woozy and the baby sleeps alot! I'd say go ahead and induce since your so far along. They will put you on monitors and a blood pressure cuff to check you BP every half-hour to hour. they will probably start labor with potocin (had it twice). It wasn't so bad and I had more problems with the mag than it.  Aside from that everything will go as normal. Good luck and don't worry.

  3. You need to go to the hospital. A multitude of things could happen including you having a stroke due to the high blood pressure.

    The only way to relieve the high blood pressure is to induce delivery.

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