
39 weeks pregnant.... labor question?

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I am 39 weeks pregnant and my doctor says I am not going to make it to my due date becuase how low the baby is and I am dilated. for the past 3-4 weeks I have been experiancing all the pre-labor signs. and then yesterday and today I feel normal. Like I am not even pregnant! and for how miserable I have been this seems werid. Did any of you ladies feel like this before the onset of real labor? or your water breaking?




  1. It is all very normal.

    Hope all goes well for you and you dont have to wait too long.  

  2. Its normall its part of nesting I think.  You get this burst of feel good energy.  

  3. I agree that it could be the normal nesting that you experience before baby comes. I don't think even the doctors can predict when the baby will be born. I have five children, and with each one I was dilated to at least 2 cm weeks before my due date. Every single baby of mine was late! Enjoy the opportunity of not feeling pregnant and get some'll need it in the next few weeks! Good luck :o)

  4. i think this is normal i felt great with my first baby right up until the pains started

    my second boy my water broke but i still felt great until it was completely broke then the pains started

    my third baby i was in misery the past few weeks of my pregnancy i was having pains every day the day i went into labor i felt great so it's touch and go

    best of luck to you!

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