
'07 Nike ONE Platinums vs. '08 Platinums?

by  |  earlier

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is there any major difference between the 07 platinums and the 08's? Because i can buy the 07 for $10 cheaper than the 08 and if there is no difference, why bother with the 08's?




  1. Well  the box is slightly different.......basically a very similar ball from yr to yr.   The ads say there is a difference.....but I sure can't see it.  I play a lot of different balls during the course of the year.....I'll Prob still be playing 07's come december.  ( or until the prices come down anyway   lol)

  2. The 08' ball features a seamless cover which is known to give you better accuracy. The 07' ball doesn't have this feature

  3. chances are the differences are negligable that you would not notice the difference.

  4. Its hard to say if you play extremely good then their is a huge diff.  

    To the amateur their is no diff. so consult how good you are first

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