My '97 Ford Mustang's Odometer stopped working, and I need pictures to show me where the things are to check.Is there a site that tells me WHERE the wiring and such is so that I can check it myself? ? I am a woman, yes, but I am NOT above trying to fix things myself. :)
It is not a digital one, and someone said that one should check the spedo connection. The reason I chose to go with that answer is because it was only AFTER I had my car's A/C worked on, that it stopped. My mechanic is busy working on my husband's '91 Camero right now, and I got a Mustang repair book, but it says nothing about the odometer, even though it is a common problem apparently. Plus, I don't have a job right now, NO ONE is hiring :( in my field, and I can't AFFORD to have someone else do it fo rme. :(
I do appreciate all answers though. :)
I just signed up for this, and don't really know what I am doing,so if you answer, would you add HOW to respond without having to edit and add to my original question each time? :)