My younger sister who is 13 has read Twilight, New Moon, & Eclipse and now she's looking forward to reading the latest book. I wouldn't consider her as a die-hard Twilight fan because she's only read the books once, & she may have been influenced by her friends to have a sudden liking for these Stephenie Meyer series.
I've heard from those who've read Breaking Dawn that the book had much more 'mature content' than the previous other books. I'm afraid if my sister gets her hands on that book, she would lose her innocence.
Yes, it's Bigger Sister to the rescue. She's got peers who have read the book (who I'm pretty sure are a bit confused with the 'gory' bits) but she could easily get her hands on that book behind my back by borrowing it off them.
Clearly, I don't want her to read the book. Is it necessary for me to prevent her from doing this? What do you suggest I should do?
People with younger siblings, & parents with children can relate to the way I feel right now.