
'Chavish' friends? Ditch them?

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Some people in my year group sterotype some of my friends as 'Slags' and a little 'Chavy'. I recently started talking to a guy in my year and he said that people in my year think me and my close mate are nice/normal, but we should ditch the group we bother with in our common room. I do think the way some of them act is disgusting. But i cant just ditch them can i ?

Please help xx




  1. if you want to ditch them just ditch them!

    but is it really what you want? i wouldnt associate myselves with chavs :D

  2. If they are chavs you should lure them into a bus shelter with promises of free cans of Stella then set it alight.

    Don't forget to video it on your mobile and put the vid on Youtube

  3. Be yourself and do not let people tell you who your friends are or should be.If you are true to yourself and maintain the standards by which you lead your life then don't worry.

  4. You should spend time with people that agree with your set of values and social rules. If some people don't and their ideas don't mesh then I would simply spend more time with other people and gradually phase them out. I don't think it's insulting, it just happens sometimes.  

  5. Well if your'e happy with the friends you have stay with them. But if your'e not get involved with other people who you will be happy with.  

  6. Ask yourself how much you want to be associated with them and their behaviour - you WILL be seen as the same kinds of girls if you hang around with them.

  7. I have had all sorts of friends, in public school and uni. I would keep being friendly with all who are kind to me. The real issue is to not be influenced into doing things you do not think is right by any group--chavs or those who think themselves better than everyone else.

    People at both ends are unlovely to me.

  8. Youtube them give us a laugh, if they run about in track suits,Kappa, Burberry or wear skip caps, ditch them now before you end up pregnant or jailed.

  9. It shouldn't matter what others think. If you like them don't ditch them

  10. if you think yourself that they are acting a little chavy and you don't wanna be like that then yeah you can just ditch them if not then don't ditch them. you should'nt be told who to be friends with  

  11. No, its good for you to have loads of different friends - seems like some of the others could do with it to cure their snobbery!  Don't worry about it, you can't just ditch a few friends to impress someone else!

  12. you should have friends from all walks of life.

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