
'Emo' style bedroom?

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I am redoing my bedroom and I don't know where to begin I was thinking something along the lines of an 'emo' bedroom, maybe gothic. IDK Please help

-I have a small room

-I only have a few hundred dollars to spend

-I cant paint the walls black

-I like the colours red, black and purple (and I like white only if its with black, like bold stripes or something)

-The furniture in my room is white, which goes with everything, but I cant relplace it either way

Thank you sooooo much, I apreciate any answers, no matter how...strange.





  1. Whatever you do, do not paint your room a dark colour

    I have a small room and found out that if looks and feels smaller when it's painted a darker colour

    So you could have light walls and dark accessories, and posters etc

    But, don't go too over the top. As with most people, they redecorate their rooms and then after a while decide they don't like it any more!

    So if you stick with light colours etc you can easily change it

  2. um get My Chemical Romance posters a purple rug and black and red blankets and stuff

    wow thats PHRESH  


  4. lol i was in hte same situation a while ago!!  no black walls, and no dripping blood((lmao)) but what i did was paint my walls like a OCD white, and, ya know eddie van halens guitar?yea, do soemthing like that on one wall...expet make the stripes black and red.  then get some red and black and white sheets, maybe a few purple pillows, a bunch of band posters((depending on your style, i actually like my posters framed, if you do too, maybe get some dark purple frames, idk))  and if you can, see if you can paint a wall or part of a wall with chalkboard paint, bc i did and its the best thing ever for me, bc i write a lot of songs((idk if you, or write poems or draw or anyhting)) and i jsut get sick of looking for paper, so i can jsut write them on my walls.  

    idk, jsut a few ideas  

  5. emo and gothic are totally different things

    do't paint it black, bad idea, even if u were allowed too

    i'd suggest just white walls and black bedding, with some white, maybe skulls, u can get it at

    on the walls, cover them! cover them with everything u can, beginning with papers, meaning posters, cut outs, pictures of random things, have it layering over itself and firmly on the wall and down, not peeling off, a clear coat of paint should work well for this. thus u have ur wall paper. have fun with it. i'm thinking british flags(rebell) and skulls and posters of band and cd cover art and everything u can.

    then, get random things u like, like i have wings from an old halloween costume on my wall, that's awesome, and swords and stuff, anything ur into. framed posters, old records, stuff like that.

    then for the furnishure, u can always paint it, but i'd stick with the white, less of a hassle, and as u said, goes with anything, but that's entirely up to you. get a red or purple rug, and decore of the colors u like to add personal touches of more things u like and colors u like, so it'll look nice.

    in all, the room itself is a bit abstract, but that leaves it open to a ton of options and makes it completely costumizable.

    and btw, why emo? and mcr is not emo. emo and goth are different, and punk is also very different, and the room is described is a bit more punk than anything, cause it reflects my personal style.

    w/e u do, just have fun with it, and know that u will eventually grow out of this. how old are u anyway? emo's lame, don't be a poser. that's all i have to say.
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