
'I don't care how I look...' I freakin do!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, first read this, it's long but without it you are not going to understand what this is about.

2 weeks ago, I went to Belarus for few days to go to Chernobyl... Anyways, I stayed at my grandmothers house, and my aunt is living with her and a 1 year old baby. Well, for some reason, the iron was on and I was lying on the floor. My hair was past my hips, and I didn't lay on it. well, somehow that baby reached the hot iron, I didn't even realize that she was in the room... And then she droped it about 5 cm from my head! O.O right in the middle section of my hair, but close to the head, flat side down (reminder, the iron was ON)... She [the baby] was standing on my hair, so I couldn't really get up- I couldn't push her off, because she could get burned easily. I was lying like that for 2 minutes, screaming that maybe someone could help me, and that stupid baby was just standing there laughing at me... >.< after I was 'resscued', my back hair just fell off, and I was left with hair on the back ear-lenght... It looked very stupid, so we'd cut off the front too, leaving it a bit longer and we also left my fringe.

I was extremly depressed, because when I came back here (UK, that's where I'm usually at in summer) people were very weird to me that I have such short hair, not talking about those f*kin teens who make fun out of everything that's a bit different.

I got very annoyed and depressed, I didn't want to go outside because I felt really ugly and stupid- just not normal!

Then I got a great idea... I shall buy a clip-in-ponytail extension! >.< Eureka! I tried finding stuff online, but my mum was evil whenever I told her that I feel c**p with short hair(her reply 'Oh, just stop it... -.-" all you care about is your look lately, no one cares what you look like!) and I couldn't pay for them from my bank account because I'm 14, so it doesn't let me...

So I scrumbled outside, and went to Claire's Accesories and found a magical extension... I cliped it in and guess what... I got so hyper I started singing out loud O.O yeah, I was alone so I did get starred at, but I just felt sooooo d**n happy!

Seriously now, people who say 'Oh, I don't give a c**p how I look.', you really don't? Come on, there has to be that 1 thing, that if you will loose you will be misrable :o tell me about it!





  1. I say &quot;I don&#039;t care how I look&quot; quite a bit and in most ways it&#039;s true. Yes there are physical aspects of myself that I like (my hair being one of them) that if I lost I get a bit upset over but it doesn&#039;t rule my world. I have enough confidence in myself that apart from the odd sook about it, I can pick myself back up again and say &quot;you know what? you can pull it off anyway!!&quot;. I&#039;m currently very heavily pregnant and that can be a very challenging time for your self esteem. I just focus on the good points - I am about to bring a life into the world that&#039;s the most beautiful thing. So I just tell myself that I&#039;m the hottest pregnant chick to walk the earth and move on. I think people focus too much on how they look, and rely too much on it. I think you need to find things about yourself that can&#039;t be changed and focus on them instead, cause they are what really makes a person beautiful.

  2. i don&#039;t think i&#039;d be miserable if i lost anything to be honest, there isn&#039;t much i like enough.  i do care about how i look some days but other days i think oh to h**l with it i just don&#039;t care, you always have those days where your hair won&#039;t go right and your make up is a mess and now i just think oh well whats the point

  3. There really are people who are pretty detached from their appearance. For me, earlier this year I had a huge nasty scar on my leg, just below my knee. The doctor didn&#039;t want me to cover myself with bandages, because after a certain point bandages actually stop the cut from healing. And for a few days, I wore jeans every day so no one would see the scar. But it was really hot and then i was like &quot;s***w it, I&#039;m wearing shorts.&quot; People asked me &quot;Don&#039;t you care that other people think it&#039;s gross?&quot; And I honestly didn&#039;t care.

    I was nervous at first, but hey, it&#039;s just a scar. I don&#039;t really worry about my appearance, beyond looking neat and clean. I like to look pretty, but when I don&#039;t, that&#039;s ok too. I&#039;m pretty good at putting things into prespective.  

  4. I do care how I look to an extent. I don&#039;t want to blend in but I don&#039;t want to look like a total housier either. I think that you should care about how you look but not be completely vain. Knowing you look good can boost self-confidence and will in turn boost your ability to make friends and will make school easier too. Your mom overreacted. A hair extension from Claire&#039;s is cheap and what&#039;s $10 if it makes you so happy you sing?

  5. That really really stinks. I&#039;m sorry. Well maybe you can cut your hair super short. That&#039;s what I did. My hair used to be as long as yours was and I donated it and now my hair&#039;s chin length. If you go to a stylist they&#039;ll be able to cut it how you want. And then after you can grow it back out and it&#039;ll be all back to normal (though it may take a few years). And if you don&#039;t like short hair, then just grow it out again, not that bad of a problem. But I&#039;d say go get your hair professionally styled so you feel pretty, because you said you didn&#039;t feel pretty.

    And yes, people do care about their looks. But if you just keep telling yourself that you don&#039;t,  and eventually you won&#039;t. Also, because I don&#039;t want to care about how I look, I do &quot;exercises&quot; to help me boost my self-esteem with how I look. I&#039;ll go to the mall, find the most ridiculous looking prom dresses/homecoming dresses, try them on, and then run around the dressing room area. It really helps, as stupid and embarrassing as it sounds. And the best part is the people there generally won&#039;t even recognize you so that&#039;s also good.

    Good luck! And I hope this helped.

  6. yea i say tht but i  kno i dont mean it. i feel ugly all the time and ppl say im pretty im just like no im not.

    becuz i dont think i am.

    im just fat and ugly and i kno and other ppl kno so i just say im ugly so they wont think i think im pretty cuz im not.

  7. Yes i do care what i look like but not that extreme that i wont go out in public if i am having a bad hair day

    I ams sorry but i honestly dont belive your story, obvioulsy the baby wasnt just laughing at you it prolly didnt no what was going on

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