
'Skiing'...advice please on my fitness to ski?

by Guest65349  |  earlier

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I'm going skiing end of January (last minute decision) for one week. I went skiing 9 years ago and did really well in one week, but I didn't build up my leg strength at all before and I suffered badly with my knees for three weeks. I want to be more ready this time and wanted to know a) have I left it too late to exercise? b) could you recommend the type of excersise and how much/often c) would I be better having a go at snowboarding? any other tips or advice you may have to make things easier I would be glad to receive. I'm 46 woman 8st 8lb 5'5" and the only exercise I get now is walking my dog twice a day.




  1. Well it depends on where you are going..colorado, then you need to do more strength training lifting, they have been getting dumped on this week and only more snow is coming so you will be dealing with powder, most people will tell you to be doing cardio if you are getting ready for the rockies but im an AT and if you have bad knees then lifting is the way to go, you have to build up your muscle bellies to protect the knee joint......any midwest ice skiing, then you should focus on both cardio and strenght for your bad knees, the best way to do both is to get into a pool and swin it will do the best .....also while you are there strech before you do any skiing...have a blast

  2. StairMaster. It works your legs and your cardiorespiratory system. About 20-30 minutes a day. If after a day or two you don't feel anything, increase the intensity not the time. By the end of January you'll be able to ski longer without your thighs burning so much.

    Have fun on the slopes.

  3. so much depends on the altitude you plan on skiing. if you're going to vail you really need to work on your cardio but if you're going to vermont work on your leg strength and pay considerable attention to groin muscles...that painful machine at the gym inwhich you are sitting and try to spread your legs apart

  4. I would recommend hitting the gym at least three times a week and working on both strength and endurance training. You probably have just enough time to see some results before your trip, but dont wait until after the holidays.

  5. Skiing uses muscles that you don't use much in regular life.  With a month you could spend time running and in the Gym strengthening you legs, back and doing some cardio.  I am afraid that you have brought it just a bit to close for serious help but any leg work will have some effect.

    It sounds like you have good balance and your previous attempt argues well for some fun times.  If you are not locked in to Skiing I think that I would recommend snowboarding.  The learning curve is much smaller on the snow board and I think that you will have more fun in the long run,  Take some lessons. (it always helps) and have a ball.

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